EP. 15: Why would someone who’s just been stabbed in the stomach not want help? Great question! I’d love to tell you. Because I witnessed this. Actually, I witnessed an entire night of life-or-death situations. And all of the people in those situations refused help. But this is not really about all those people - whom I will tell you about - this is really about you. Because YOU need to accept help. AND you NEED to ask for it.
I get it. It’s hard to ask for help. You’re already helpless in whatever way and now you’re surrendering control to someone else. Or maybe you think your problem isn’t the biggest one. But let’s say someone came to you with that exact same problem and asked for help. Would you say, “Sorry! That’s not worthy of help.” Now, you’re about to find out how it will be a game-changer if you start accepting help - and asking for it.
So … can you please help me out and give this episode a listen? And if you love it, please leave a review on Apple or Spotify or wherever you listen. Thankyouverymuch. (See. I just asked for help, and the world is still spinning.)
P.S. And since you need help, I’ve already asked for it on your behalf: World-renowned trauma and addictions expert, Dr. Gabor Mate. He will join us for a sit-down conversation about his new book. Basically, he will be here to help you heal. So, if you have questions for Gabor, I’m all ears (well, really, I’m mostly hair, but I dahliagress): @DahliaKurtz.